7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY
4000 4400 4750 5200
Prices are based on an occupancy of 4 guests, additional persons will incur a cost of an additional
300 euro each for a 7-8 day trip, 400 euro for a 9+ day trip.
The above prices include, skipper's fee, fuel, water, any docking fees, provisions for breakfast, lunch snacks and two evening meals prepared on board. Evening meals are otherwise not included nor
alcoholic beverages which can be purchased before we leave. I provision well and include typical
Greek products, cheeses and olives, and other Greek specialties for you to try.
Food is part of culture!
I prefer to get money matters out of the way before you arrive.
I can purchase wine and beer for you before the trip so that you do not have to do this. I have a good knowledge of wines and can purchase wine for you per your preferences and price range.
Here on Leros very nice wines are available for around 8-9 euro, and exceptional wines as
low as 15 euro. Of course, you can go higher if you like! Greek wines from many different
regions are comparable to French, Italian and other world wines. There are unique grape varieties
that date back to ancient times.
I can accommodate up to 5 passengers comfortably: 2 in each double cabin and one
sleeping in the saloon (as long as they are under 5'5'- 166 cm ). Two small children can
sleep in the saloon. I cannot carry 6 adults.